General Conditions of Use
1. Introduction
This Website (www.digitalscriptorium), hereafter the “Website” is owned and operated by Digital Scriptorium Ltd., a U.K. company with registered office at 15 The Broadway, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 0HL, U.K., company registration number 10038653, hereafter “Digital Scriptorium”.
These General Conditions of Use (hereafter “General Conditions”) govern navigation of the Website and use of its functions by real or legal persons (individuals, companies or organisations), hereafter “Users”.
2. Acceptance of these General Conditions
By accessing, navigating and using the Website, Users implicitly acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted these General Conditions. Acceptance of these General Conditions is a necessary precondition to navigating the Website, accessing the textual and graphic material contained in it, hereafter “Content”, and using the functions provide by it, hereafter the “Functions”. Users who do not accept these General Conditions should refrain from using the Website.
3. Use of Content and Functions
The Content and Functions of this Website may be accessed free of charge. Users agree not to use the Content and Functions in any way other than as permitted by these General Conditions. In particular, Users undertake not to reproduce, modify, duplicate, copy, distribute, sell or otherwise transfer Content and/or Functions nor exploit Content and/or Functions for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Digital Scriptorium. Users further undertake to use this Website, its Content and Functions exclusively for proper purposes, in accordance with these General Conditions and with the provisions of laws governing data privacy and use of the Internet in the country where they reside. Users therefore agree to hold Digital Scriptorium harmless and accept full responsibility for unlawful uses and/or violation of applicable laws.
Wilful violations of system or network security may give rise to criminal or civil actions. It is understood that the Content of this Website does not constitute a contract or a public offering of services, nor can it be considered binding for the purposes of negotiations or business relationships. Only agreements made and confirmed in writing, via email or conventional mail may be considered binding.
4. Confidentiality of Information
Users acknowledge the personal and confidential nature of commercial information obtained through the Functions of the Website and agree to respect that confidentiality and not to disclose such information to third parties. Companies automatically transfer this obligation to their employees and contractors.
5. Intellectual Property
The graphic design, Content and organisation of this Website are protected by copyright and are the exclusive property of Digital Scriptorium. Access to the Website does not grant Users the right to use the textual or graphic Content of the Website. The viewing, downloading and printing of Content is permitted solely for purposes related to the Website. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, download, display, send by electronic or mechanical means, transmit, record, duplicate, photocopy or reproduce Content in any form for other purposes without the prior written permission of Digital Scriptorium.
6. Warranties, Rights and Responsibilities
Users access the Website at their own risk. The Website is provided “as is” and “as available”. Digital Scriptorium offers no specific warranty as to the results that can be expected or obtained from using the Website, its Content or Functions nor as to the accessibility or availability of the Website itself.
Digital Scriptorium reserves the right to disconnect, remove, replace and/or modify Content and Functions (or any part thereof), temporarily or permanently, and at any time without prior notice.
Digital Scriptorium likewise reserves the right to make changes to these General Conditions at any time without prior notice. Users should therefore refer to these General Conditions as posted on the Website at the time of consultation.
Digital Scriptorium assumes no responsibility for technical problems affecting the Website, the Internet, the network or hosting services, and offers no warranty that the Website, its Content and/or Functions nor electronic communications transmitted by Digital Scriptorium are free from viruses or other harmful elements. Users must therefore take all relevant precautions to protect the integrity of their systems and data, including the use of up-to-date anti-virus and anti-malware programs. In no event shall Digital Scriptorium be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage deriving from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with use of the Website.
7. Links
Digital Scriptorium cannot be held responsible for the proper functioning of other websites or resources accessed via links contained in the Website. Digital Scriptorium does not monitor the content or functionality of websites or resources accessed via links and therefore assumes no responsibility for the content and/or material, advertising included, contained in such websites or for the products or services offered therein.
8. Applicable law
These General Conditions and the relationship between Users and Digital Scriptorium are interpreted and governed by U.K. law. Any dispute arising between Users and Digital Scriptorium concerning or related to the interpretation and execution of these General Conditions, or to use of the Website, its Content and/or Functions shall be decided exclusively by U.K. courts.